What ‘Game of Thrones’ can teach us about corporate leadership

This was originally published on business.com on 22nd May 2019.


“Game of Thrones” (GoT) has left our screens forever, but there are some lasting leadership lessons that we can take from it.

The corporate world is not so different from the world of Westeros; there can be battles in the boardroom just like the battles to take the Iron Throne – but, hopefully, with less bloodshed. Whether you’re pro Lannister or Dothraki, backing the Iron Fleet or fighting for the North, or even Team White Walkers, one thing each group has in common is the fact they are all united under one leader.

And each leader has their own distinct leadership style. Just as the characters of GoT divide and conquer, strategise or deliver empowering speeches to head their armies, so do business leaders.”

Read the whole article on business.com to learn which character from the GoT universe that could be characterised as a Democratic Leader or Autocratic Leader, and even which character that has the most in common with Donald Trump!

To read the whole article, click here.

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